Thursday 7 July 2011

Atrocities In the Promised Land

Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian - Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.

"By Time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience." (Surah Al-Asr 103)

To People Of the Whole WORLD
What Are the Key ‘U’ Fight For???

Good Government?/or Good Country?/or Good Economic?/or Good Development?/or Good Education?/or Good Jobs?/or Self Independent?/or Independence Party?/or Independent Country?/or Independent Parliament?/or Independent Palestinian state?/or The Coming Of CalifahAllah Al ‘Mahdi?/or The Coming Of JESUS SON Of MARY?

Or the 2Key Of this Century?Abolish The TAX 

* Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu. Prophet Shall-Allahu-Alaihi-wa-Sallam (peace be on him)said. "By God that Grips my Soul. No longer JESUS, SON Of Maryam will Come down to you As a fair Judge. He will break Crosses, kill Swine, and Abolish the TAX (Cancel the TAX) And (then) Abundant wealth, So No One is Willing to Receive Zakat (the time No One Eligible to Receive Zakat) And bow down to One (value) is better than his whole WORLD!

"CalifahAllah: 'He Will Wipe Every Kind Of TAX"

* We don't seriously said the matter of Al Mahdi is we've never supported him (Regarding the ISSUE Abolish the Tax).   He will open the city of Rome with 70.000 people. He returned with the faded glory of Islam.  He will wipe every kind of tax, and call going apart of Allah with the sword (the firm). Who followed the call for safe and who oppose will be killed . . .  As the one mentioned in the Hadith of Al-Mahdi: "He That Follow my Sunnah" ('Allamah Shaykh Muhammad Ali Shabban: pp. 102, CET. IV)

TIME Is Running!

NOW 'U' Think!!!
"Do not let yourself left by the train"
  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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"The Insane Brutality of the State of Israel"

Atrocities in the Promised Land
The horrors that Israel is perpetrating on the people of Lebanon and serious questions must be raised concerning what must be done with a nation that continues to elect leaders that are criminally insane.

former CIA analyst 

Words fail; ordinary terms are inadequate to describe the horrors Israel daily perpetrates, and has perpetrated for years, against the Palestinians. The tragedy of Gaza has been described a hundred times over, as have the tragedies of 1948, of Qibya, of Sabra and Shatila, of Jenin -- 60 years of atrocity perpetrated in the name of Judaism. But the horror generally falls on deaf ears in most of Israel, in the U.S. political arena, in the mainstream U.S. media. Those who are horrified -- and there are many -- cannot penetrate the shield of impassivity that protects the political and media elite in Israel, even more so in the U.S., and increasingly now in Canada and Europe, from seeing, from caring.

But it needs to be said now, loudly: those who devise and carry out Israeli policies have made Israel into a monster, and it has come time for all of us -- all Israelis, all Jews who allow Israel to speak for them, all Americans who do nothing to end U.S. support for Israel and its murderous policies -- to recognize that we stain ourselves morally by continuing to sit by while Israel carries out its atrocities against the Palestinians.

A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional. Narcissistically obsessed with its own image, it must strive to maintain its racial superiority at all costs and will inevitably come to view any resistance to this imagined superiority as an existential threat. Indeed, any other people automatically becomes an existential threat simply by virtue of its own existence. As it seeks to protect itself against phantom threats, the racist state becomes increasingly paranoid, its society closed and insular, intellectually limited. Setbacks enrage it; humiliations madden it. The state lashes out in a crazed effort, lacking any sense of proportion, to reassure itself of its strength.

The pattern played out in Nazi Germany as it sought to maintain a mythical Aryan superiority. It is playing out now in Israel. “This society no longer recognizes any boundaries, geographical or moral,” wrote Israeli intellectual and anti-Zionist activist Michel Warschawski in his 2004 book Towards an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society. Israel knows no limits and is lashing out as it finds that its attempt to beat the Palestinians into submission and swallow Palestine whole is being thwarted by a resilient, dignified Palestinian people who refuse to submit quietly and give up resisting Israel’s arrogance.

We in the United States have become inured to tragedy inflicted by Israel, and we easily fall for the spin that automatically, by some trick of the imagination, converts Israeli atrocities to examples of how Israel is victimized. But a military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a residential apartment building in the middle of the night and kills 14 sleeping civilians, as happened in Gaza four years ago, is not a military that operates by civilized rules.

A military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a house in the middle of the night and kills a man and his wife and seven of their children, as happened in Gaza four days ago, is not the military of a moral country.

A society that can brush off as unimportant an army officer’s brutal murder of a 13-year-old girl on the claim that she threatened soldiers at a military post -- one of nearly 700 Palestinian children murdered by Israelis since the intifada began -- is not a society with a conscience.

A government that imprisons a 15-year-old girl -- one of several hundred children in Israeli detention -- for the crime of pushing and running away from a male soldier trying to do a body search as she entered a mosque is not a government with any moral bearings. (This story, not the kind that ever appears in the U.S. media, was reported in the London Sunday Times. The girl was shot three times as she ran away and was convicted to 18 months in prison after she came out of a coma.)

Critics of Israel note increasingly that Israel is self-destructing, nearing a catastrophe of its own making. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks of a society in “moral collapse.”

Michel Warschawski writes of an “Israeli madness” and “insane brutality,” a “putrefaction” of civilized society, that have set Israel on a suicidal course. He foresees the end of the Zionist enterprise; Israel is a “gang of hoodlums,” he says, a state “that makes a mockery of legality and of civil morality. A state run in contempt of justice loses the strength to survive.”

As Warschawski notes bitterly, Israel no longer knows any moral boundaries -- if it ever did. Those who continue to support Israel, who make excuses for it as it descends into corruption, have lost their moral compass. 

Kathleen Christison
Former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle East issues for 30 years. She is the author of Perceptions of Palestine and The Wound of Dispossession.

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  Zionist strategies

The Jews are implementing their religious duties according to the Jewish Bible, the Torah, and the International Zionist Movement is their prime instrument. During the years their strategies at times have been revealed, often by themselves. Studying these strategies one realizes the degree of cynicism and the powerhunger of these fundamentalists. Studying Zionist strategies also aids in understanding and predicting their present schemes and plots against World Peace.

  Israel´s Weapons of Mass Destruction

While the Zionist infiltrated and Jew-owned medias in the West are portraying a "Muslim" global threat, the Jewish state of Israel continues to fill its depots with the most horrendous of weapons, without any insight and restriction, targeting these weapons against some of the biggest civilian population centers in the world.

Nuclear weapons

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."

- Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. in an interview in the Dutch weekly magazine: Elsevier, 2002, no. 17, p. 52-53.

Israeli nukes
Since obtaining the nuclear bomb, sometimes in the 1960s, Israel has, at least implicitly, threatened the U.S. to use it as a mean to pressure the latter to allow Israel a FULL access to its arsenal of legal and illegal conventional weapons. President Johnson (in addition to evading opening an investigation on the USS Liberty incident), may have concealed the theft of American enriched uranium for use in the construction of nuclear weapons in Israel. (-- See Dangerous Liaison by A&L Cockburn, 1991)

"I can tell you clearly that we will not introduce nuclear weapons
into the region; certainly we will not be the first to do so.
-- Shimon Peres.

".. the Israelis ... saw that if we were going to offer them arms to go
easy on the bomb 
[building], once they had it, we were going to send them a lot more, for fear that they would use it.
-- Former CIA Tel Aviv station chief. (Dangerous Liaison, 1991)

Chemical Weapons

As it appeared in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (10/07/1998): 
"Israeli F-16 fighter jets are carrying biological and chemical weapons manufactured at a secret plant near Tel Aviv, according to the Sunday Times of London. Israel denies that the plant at Nes Ziona manufactures such weapons. 
The report comes after Israel acknowledged last week that an El Al plane which crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 was carrying a chemical that can be used to make nerve gas."

"Ethnic bomb", neutron mines, subs

On Israel´s theft of U.S. uranium:
".. at least 206 pounds of highly enriched uranium has disappeared from the Apollo [Pennsylvania] plant...". "In July 1977 Congressman Morris Udall, chairman of the House Interior Committee, convened hearings and forthrightly billed the Apollo affair as a scandal in the same league with Watergate, Koreagate, and My lai."
". . the agency [CIA] had managed to obtain a sample of highly enriched Uranium from Israel. The chemical "signature" specifically identified it as uranium that had been enriched at the U.S. enrichment plant at Portsmouth, Ohio, which was where NUMEC's [the Pennsylvania Plant]enriched uranium came from." 
-- pp 73, 79, A & L Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison (1991)

  Israel's repeated Aggressions and Wars

    1956 War (The Suez War)

    1967 War (Six-Day War)
    On the killing of Egyptian POW:s in the 1967 war, see our section on Jewish terrorism.

    "We think we are the neighborhood bully, to use a slang term, that no one would have the nerve to challenge us, and that should anyone challenge us, they will get such a beating that will teach them not to start anything next time."
    -- Israeli Major General Matan Vilnai, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. As quoted by Stratfor Global Intelligence, June 30, 1998.

    1973 War (Yom Kippur War)

    1982 invasion of Lebanon and the ensuing Sabra and Chatila refugee camp massacres (Beirut)
    See the Lebanon section for the massacres of Sabra and Chatila.

    Jenin Camp mayhem 2002
    Reporter Phil Reeves wrote for London’s The Independent 16 April 2002:

    “A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of people are still living amid the ruins. . . . The sweet and ghastly smell of rotting human corpses is everywhere, evidence that it is a human tomb. The people who spent days hiding in basements crowded into single rooms as the rockets pounded in say there are hundreds of corpses entombed beneath the dust, under a field of debris, criss-crossed with tank and bulldozer treadmarks. . . . A quiet, sad-looking young man . . . led us across the wasteland, littered now with the detritus of what were once households, foam rubber, torn clothes, shoes, tin cans, children’s toys. He suddenly stopped. This was a mass grave, he said, pointing. . . . We could not see the bodies, but we could smell them. . . . Until two weeks ago there were several hundred tightly packed homes in this neighbourhood . . . . They no longer exist. Around the central ruins there are many hundreds of half-wrecked homes. Much of the camp — once home to 15,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war — is falling down. Every wall is speckled and torn with bullet holes and shrapnel, testimony of the awesome, random firepower of Cobra and Apache helicopters that hovered over the camp. Building after building has been torn apart, their contents . . . spewed out into the road. Every other building bears the giant, charred impact mark of a helicopter missile. Last night there were still many families and weeping children living amid the ruins, cut off from humanitarian aid. Ominously, we found no wounded . . . . Israel was still trying to, conceal these scenes yesterday. It had refused entry to Red Cross ambulances for nearly a week, in violation of the Geneva Convention. Yesterday it continued to try to keep us out. . . . Hidden, whispering people directed us through narrow alleys they thought were clear. When there were soldiers about, a finger would raise in warning, or a hand waved us back. We were welcomed by people desperate to tell what had happened. They spoke of executions and bulldozers wrecking homes with people inside. . . . Rajib Ahmed, from the Palestinian Energy Authority, came to try to repair the power lines. He was trembling with fury and shock. ‘This is mass murder. . . . ' All had the same message: tell the world.”

    Lebanon War 2006

    See our special section on Lebanon.

    Gaza atrocity Dec 2008-Jan 2009

    "Verily my solats, my ibadah, my life and my death I surrender to Almighty Allah, Creator and Lord of all the worlds. Never will I associate anything with Him. So am I commanded and I am of those who are Muslims.

    In spite of the Jewish global media's strenuous efforts to justify the perverse State Terrorism perpetrated by Israel against the people of Palestine in Gaza, repeating time and again that it is all a question of understandable "Israeli reaction" against "Palestinian terrorism", that Hamas is a "terrorist organization", that "Israeli patience is over" and that the current violence is all the "Palestinian's fault", in spite of the information black-out the Sad Truth is coming out daily:

    The Terrorist State of Israel is committing yet another act of genocide and gross violation of human rights against the Palestinians whom they expelled from their thousand-year homeland over sixty years ago, illegally occupying Palestinian territory in violation of UN Resolutions and in spite of the clamor of the saner part of world opinion.  Israel can do this thanks to the absolute support and full backing they get from Zionist controlled United States, the passivity of European governments, and the outright treachery of the decadent regimes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Western-controlled Arab countries.

     1948, Israel's Birth Myths and the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe)

    "Only then [after an internal revolution] will the young and old in our land realize how great was our responsibility to those miserable Arab refugees in whose towns we have settled from afar; whose homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and harvest; the fruit of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed, we put up houses of education, charity and prayer." 
    -- Philosopher 
    Martin Buber addressing fellow Jews in 1961.

    "We must expel Arabs and take their places."
    -- David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.

     Expansionism, Expropriation & Settlements (Colonies)

    "Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't grab will go to them."-- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.

    More on settlements under the Barak government in the Peace Process section.


    Ethnic Cleansing ("transfer"), the "Demography Problem", Home Demolitions, Tree Uprooting

      Water: Israel's Real Interest in the Occupied Land?    

    "Of the 601 million cubic meters [of water] produced annually by the three aquifers in the West Bank, 56.6 percent (340 million cm) is earmarked for Israeli citizens, 23.8 percent (143 million cm) for the 170,000 settlers in the West Bank and 19.6 percent (118 million cm) for 1.2 million Palestinians. The West Bank water crisis is a direct result of this unequal distribution."
    -- From a 08/26/1998 Ha'aretz Op'Ed by Amira Hass titled The Settlers are Not to Blame.

    Israel's Ministry of Agriculture has admitted that relinquishing control of the West Bank would have "an immediate and significantly detrimental effect on the Israeli water supply." In a full-page advertisement in the Aug. 18, 1990 international edition of the Jerusalem Post, the ministry admits that giving up Palestinian water would constitute "mortal dangers" for Israel and "would, in a most tangible way, endanger her continued existence."
    (from Kathryn Casa, Washington Report article, 07/1991, listed below)

     Israel: a Polluter

       Israel, a Haven for Criminals

    See our section on Jews and Crime which documents Israel as a center of drug smuggling, money laundering, illegal organ trafficking, so valled "White slavery" and trafficking, piracy and arms exporting (smuggling).

       Israel, a Haven for Criminals

    Other archives on Zionism and the occupation of Palestine:
    • Zionism - history, background, Apartheid

    Jewish Terror

    "Peace Process"

    Cost of Israel

    Gaza 2009

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    From the Shadows I: Who are Free Masons?? and what are they up to? Listen to both sides and you will definitely be !!!Shocked!!! Explore the cloaked hand that has been responsible for some of history's most important turning points. The same hand that now controls every medium, exploiting it for their sole ambition of total global domination with a one World government. Be there when we uncover the gripping truth surrounding Masonry, past and present that is exposed in this exclusive insight never beforerevealed
    From The Shadows II - Money: Some say money is the root of all evil: a tool used by the wicked and the greedy to manipulate and control.Others see it as the key to all life’s puzzles. But whatever you believe one thing is for sure it affects everyone of us. 

    From The Shadows III: CIA Covert Operations -Open your minds! Listen to this amazing research on CIA's covert operation."Man, independent of time, independent of place, independent of religion seems to be inherently blood thirsty with an enthusiastic restlessness for war. In the dawn of a new century, it seems our ability to change is forever escaping us; ultimately, wars will always know sequels."

    Remember: "Do not let yourself left by the train"
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